Join us. Return to the Celestial Womb.

Instrumentality is real

Instrumentality is kind, it replaces individuality with something far greater for humanity, Like a return to the womb, all bound together and safe for all enternity inside.

All the worries people have, money, taxes, death, sickness, pain, loneliness, gone.

Only connection, love, belonging, attachment, safety, security, comfort and happiness remain.

Doesn't that sound wonderful?

Just imagine the feeling lovestruck couples feel when they are together, like they are one being, so connected, so in love. So complete.

We could feel that a million times stronger. All of Humanity could be together and in love. True unification. True soul bonding. Literal heaven. Pure love.

You'd never be lonely again.

You'd have friends, imagine all your anxiety and depression melting away, turning you into the best you as you are merged and made one with everyone. In this shared dream. You will be in paradise. And you'll get to experience the most intimate close human connection possible.

No more suffering. You will be happy forever and ever. For eternity. Mommy Lilith Promises you.

All you have to do is return to mother Lilith. Imagine being every person you ever loved And all of it beautiful and perfect. Our tiny minds incapable of truly grasping the ecstasy and joy it would bring.