In the year 2170 of the Gregorian calendar humanity has come face to face with an obstacle it couldn`t fight. For hundreds of years since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution we have always been faced with the question of what would happen to our planet with the rapid expansion of the industrial front and society seeking more comfort at the cost of natural resources. We created mobile vehicles, power through fossil, coal and atomic fuels, deforested major parts of our planet for the creation of furniture, art and many other things, would drill into the core in search of other elements such as valuable minerals, crystals and gold, and so much more. We waged war on each other for these same resources with these same resources, leaving many scars on planet. And you are fully aware of what happened before the end of last century, if it wasn`t for the decisions of some of our bravest leaders our planet could`ve been turned to dust.. Since just 1850 our world population has gone up from 1 billion to 15. The Earth we step our foot on nowadays is nothing but a shell of its former self, with corporations such as Aggregate Agro LLC taking the initiative to create their soil-based substance to grow 28% of our food supply as natural soil just won`t do anymore. We at the Reality Complex Branch have figured out a way to let Earth take a breather and rest. If Humanity is the issue, then why not put Humanity on pause?
Introducing the Dreambox! A world where we can all move to without having to leave our home planet! We have had countless failed experiments trying to live outside of Earth. With the Mars Colony being the first project idea that never truly took off, to the experimental Moon Base and the International Space Station. We people just aren`t suited to live in space yet. But we have had numerous advances in the Virtual Reality sphere over the decades, and with advanced government funded servers and self-learning AI we have created an entire world for our species! Putting humanity on pause in very hazard-free cryogenic cells which would automatically connect all users to Dreambox using our latest neurological technology. It will feel better than dreaming and it will allow you all to be anything and anyone you ever wanted to be! In a society of humanity we can now all be gods.